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"...that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
1 Peter 2:9

Come To Be Fed


If you are searching for a new church home, seeking joyful worship, or simply visiting the Wilmington area, we welcome you to visit Faith Lutheran Church!


Come for a Sunday, a season, or a lifetime.

Everyone is welcome!


Our congregation is made up of a wide range of people from Wilmington, Leland, and Wallace, North Carolina who are all dedicated to growing in faith and service.


At Faith Lutheran Church, we are…


  • Centered on Christ

  • Mission-Driven

  • Grounded in Tradition

  • Congregationally Focused

Faith Lutheran Wilmington NC - Christ_on_cross
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Sunday Service Time
  • Worship & Holy Communion — Sunday, 9:30 a.m.

  • Fellowship Coffee Hour — Sunday, 10:30 a.m.

  • Christian Education — Sunday, 10:45 a.m.

See our Calendar for more events. 


On occasion we have experienced technical issues with our “Live Stream”. We apologize if you are unable to join us virtually. Please check back again.


Worship Location

311 Judges Rd – 2B
Wilmington, NC 28405

Phone: 910-399-7813


Online Giving

Want to support Faith Lutheran Church? Give online here OR text-to-give at
(910) 586-1473.

Small Church With Extraordinary Faith

Seeking an intimate Lutheran community built on faith, discipleship, and service? Faith Lutheran Church is the place for you!


Established in 2019, the thriving Faith Lutheran community is small but growing, attracting around 28 members to service each week. The intimacy of our church creates strong bonds between our members and builds an environment of unity and trust.  


Over the first several years of our growth, we have seen God work in so many powerful and mysterious ways, and we are very excited to see where He leads us next.


Want to become a member? Join us for a service.



What To Expect

At Faith Lutheran Church, you can expect a humble meeting location, a highly participatory service, and the perfect mix of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian music.


Just visiting? Feel free to join us for our Sunday service.


Already a member? There are countless opportunities for you to participate in a service or contribute to any of our various quarterly mission projects.

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